Malabar Monsoon Coffee


Commonly referred to as “Monsooned Malabar,” these coffee beans undergo artificial aging, achieved by spreading them generously on expansive beds, subjecting them to the gentle caress of monsoon winds, particularly during the monsoon season, which typically spans from June to September.

The moisture-laden monsoon air saturates the coffee beans, causing them to absorb moisture and subsequently expand to twice their original size while adopting a delicate, pale golden hue.

This unique treatment imparts a distinctive flavour profile to the coffee beans, endowing them with an unmistakable taste, and concurrently, it serves to diminish the acidity traditionally associated with coffee beans.

Historical Background

It is believed that the origin of Malabar Monsoon dates to colonial period where the commercial transportation of beans which were transported by sea from south western coastal ports of India to Europe in large wooden vessels, which usually took a six-month sea trail to reach the port.  During this time, the beans exposure to monsoon winds and humidity changed in size, texture, flavour, and appearance.

“The transformative influence of the monsoon sea weather worked its enchantment on the coffee beans, causing them to swell and assume a velvety, supple texture. This natural alchemy bestowed upon the coffee an exquisitely intricate flavour profile, earning the admiration of connoisseurs around the European market.

In response to this demand for the cherished musty monsooned flavour, coffee exporters in the Malabar Coast ingeniously conceived and perfected the process known as ‘Monsooning of Coffee.’ This method effectively recreated the unique aged coffee flavour favoured by many European consumers. It simulated the characteristic transformation that occurs along the coastal belt of southwestern India, especially in the Malabar region, during the monsoon months, thereby infusing ordinary cherry coffee beans with that unmistakable ambiance and flavour.”

Coffee Varieties

The Malabar Monsoon coffees are prepared using both Arabica and Robusta varieties of coffee. In each variety, the following grades are prescribed for trading.

  • Monsooned Malabar – Arabica coffee
  • Monsooned Malabar – Robusta coffee


Processing and Preparation

  • Monsooned coffee curing facility situated on the Malabar Coast, specifically in Mangalore, initiates the monsooning procedure during the active South West monsoon season (June-Sept) under highly humid weather conditions.
  • Only the highest-quality ‘A/AA’ Arabica cherry/natural beans and ‘AA’ Robusta cherry/natural beans are carefully laid out in well-ventilated cement/tile floored warehouses, with layers measuring 10cm to 15cm in thickness.
  • These beans are subjected to periodic raking at specified intervals to ensure consistent exposure to the monsoon winds.
  • Over time, the saturated winds enable the beans to absorb moisture, reaching a level of approximately 14-15%.
  • Subsequently, the coffees are gently packed into gunny bags, filling them up to half their capacity without sealing, and arranged in stacks of four bags high in rows.
  • Ample space is left between the rows to facilitate unrestricted circulation of monsoon air around each bag.
  • This process of spreading the coffee on the floor and arranging it in rows is repeated until the desired Monsoon effect is achieved in the coffee.
  • Continuous monitoring of the coffee on the floor and in bags is undertaken to prevent mould growth and ensure even monsooning.
  • The entire monsooning process is typically completed in approximately 12-16 weeks.
  • During this period, the coffee beans swell and undergo a colour transformation from their initial brown hue to a pale yellow or golden straw shade.
  • Following monsooning, the coffees undergo polishing, grading, and meticulous hand-cleaning to achieve uniformity within the grade.
  • Fumigation is carried out during storage to maintain product quality.
  • The coffee undergoes both physical and cupping evaluations in our state-of-the-art cupping laboratory to ensure adherence to monsoon standards.
  • Monsooning represents a traditional method that induces quantitative and qualitative changes in coffee beans, resulting in the distinctive cup quality of monsooned coffee.
  • Primarily, the process involves controlled fermentation of the beans by adjusting moisture content within specific limits.
  • This fermentation leads to the beans doubling in size, a color shift in cherry coffee from golden brown to pale yellow or straw, a reduction in bean density by approximately 40-60%, and increased soluble solids when roasted, resulting in a mellow cup quality.
  • The name “Monsooned Malabar” is exclusively associated worldwide with coffee that undergoes preparation and processing under the unique natural elements found on the Malabar coast.
  • Mentioning “Monsooned Malabar” instantly evokes in the minds of consumers in India and abroad the distinctively flavoured coffee prepared and processed (monsooned) only on the Malabar coast.
  • Recently, Monsooned Malabar Coffee has been granted the GI (Geographical Indications) designation under the auspices of the Indian Coffee Board, and Aspinwall and Company Limited has been bestowed the Authorized User status.

The Global Market

Monsooned Malabar is world’s most exotic speciality coffee with high global demand. It has distinctive earthy and flavour, low acidity.


Aspinwall & Company Limited, Mangalore

Aspinwall boasts a cutting-edge, state-of-the-art coffee curing facility in Mangalore, featuring an expansive warehouse, advanced curing barbecues, electronic colour sorters, and a highly skilled team of experienced garblers. In addition, the facility houses a sophisticated cupping laboratory. With this infrastructure, the Mangalore facility has the capacity to expertly cure up to 6,000 tonnes of coffee each year.

Aspinwall stands as one of the rare gems in India, equipped with the capability to process specialty coffees like the esteemed Monsooned Malabar AA and Monsooned Robusta AA. These prized selections, known for their gentle and harmonious flavours, are a testament to the unique synthesis of the southwestern monsoon winds and the finest cherry coffee beans. Aspinwall Coffee Division proudly holds the prestigious “Flavour of India: The Fine Cup Award” for Monsooned Coffee, securing this honour for the past six consecutive years. Additionally, it has been recognized for excellence in Specialty Coffee Exports for the last two years.

Among the other exceptional Indian specialties within the Aspinwall portfolio are Mysore Nuggets EB and Robusta Kapi Royale, alongside an array of high-quality green coffees traded across the industry.


Commonly referred to as “Monsooned Malabar,” these coffee beans undergo artificial aging, achieved by spreading them generously on expansive beds, subjecting them to the gentle caress of monsoon winds, particularly during the monsoon season, which typically spans from June to September.

The moisture-laden monsoon air saturates the coffee beans, causing them to absorb moisture and subsequently expand to twice their original size while adopting a delicate, pale golden hue.

This unique treatment imparts a distinctive flavour profile to the coffee beans, endowing them with an unmistakable taste, and concurrently, it serves to diminish the acidity traditionally associated with coffee beans.

Photo Credits (with permission obtained by Shiva M): Aspinwall & Company. Ltd, Mangalore



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